Subir Archivos
What happens if you are not programming in javascript?
If you are not programming in javascript, you can use the api directly, see TOTALUM API DOCUMENTATION
If you are programming in javascript, you can use the totalumSdk
Note: If you use totalumSdk inside a totalum plugin, you don't need to authenticate, you can start using totalum sdk functions like this: modules.totalumSdk.crud.uploadFile(); etc...
Si tienes dudas de como instalar y usar TotalumSdk mira la documentación: Instalación SDK de Totalum, y Uso del SDK
En totalum puedes subir archivos y vincularlos con tus datos, por ejemplo, puedes subir un archivo pdf y vincularlo con un cliente, o subir una imagen y vincularla con un producto.
Para hacerlo, al crear una tabla, por ejemplo una tabla cliente
, puedes añadir una propiedad de tipo archivo
, y al crear o editar un cliente, podrás subir un archivo y vincularlo con el cliente.
1. Upload the file to Totalum
To scan a document, first you need to upload the file to Totalum. You can do this using the Totalum API directly or using the Totalum SDK.
1.1 Transform the file to a blob
If you are not using javascript, you will need to do this step using the language you are using. Search on internet how to transform a file to a blob in your language. Or also you can ask chatgpt to transform the following examples to your language.
Depending on the platform you are using, you will need to transform the file to a blob. Here are some examples:
From a file input (Frontend)
const fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
const fileBlob = fileInput.files[0];
From a file in storage (Backend)
const fs = require('fs');
const yourFilePath = 'your_file_path'; // example: /user/your_file.pdf
const fileBlob = fs.readFileSync(yourFilePath);
From a remote file (Backend)
const response = await axios.get('your_file_url', { responseType: 'stream' });
const fileBlob =;
From a base64 string (Frontend/Backend)
// Convert base64 to binary
const binaryStr = atob(base64String);
const len = binaryStr.length;
const bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = binaryStr.charCodeAt(i);
let fileBlob;
// Environment check: Node.js or Browser
if (typeof process === 'object' && process.version) {
// Node.js environment
// Convert Uint8Array to Buffer for Node.js usage
const buffer = Buffer.from(bytes.buffer);
// Here, 'buffer' can be used similarly to how you'd use a Blob in the browser
// Note: Direct Blob emulation isn't possible in Node.js, but Buffer is a close alternative for file handling
fileBlob = buffer;
} else {
// Browser environment
// Create a Blob from the Uint8Array
const blob = new Blob([bytes], { type: fileType });
fileBlob = blob;
1.2 Upload the file to Totalum
Using Totalum SDK
const FormData = require('form-data'); // if you are using node.js
const fileName = 'your_file_name.png'; // replace 'your_file_name' with the name of your file, replace .png with the extension of your file
const file = yourFileBlob // your blob file created in the previous step
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file, fileName);
const result = await totalumClient.files.uploadFile(formData);
const fileNameId =;
Using Totalum API
const FormData = require('form-data'); // if you are using node.js
const fileName = 'your_file_name.png'; // replace 'your_file_name' with the name of your file, replace .png with the extension of your file
const file = yourFileBlob // your blob file created in the previous step
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file, fileName);
const result = await'', formData, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
'api-key': 'your api key here', // replace 'your api key here' with your api key
const fileNameId =;
Upload a file to Totalum and link it to an item property
const fileName = 'your_file_name.png';
const file = yourFileBlob
formData.append('file', file, fileName);
const result = await totalumClient.files.uploadFile(formData);
const fileNameId =;
//if you want to link this file to an item, you need to add the fileNameId to the item property of type file
const result2 = await totalumClient.crud.editItemById('your_element_table_name', 'your_item_id', {'your_file_property_name': {name: fileNameId}});
// now the file is linked to the item property, and you can see it in the totalum panel.
Imagine you have a table called client
with the following properties:
And you want to create a new client with name John Doe
, the email [email protected]
, the phone +34 123 456 789
, and the birthday 1990-01-01
, and you want to link a photo to the client.
// first, we upload the file
const fileName = 'your_file_name.png';
const file = yourFileBlob
formData.append('file', file, fileName);
const result = await totalumClient.files.uploadFile(formData);
const fileNameId =;
// then, we create the client
const tableElementName = 'client';
const clientToCreate = {
name: 'John Doe',
email: '[email protected]',
phone: '+34 123 456 789',
photo: {
name: fileNameId
const result2 = await totalumClient.crud.createItem(tableElementName, clientToCreate);
// now the client is created and the photo is linked to the client
Remove a file from Totalum
// you can remove a file from totalum using the file name id
const fileNameId = 'your_file_name.png'; // replace 'your_file_name' with the name id of your file, replace .png with the extension of your file
const result = await totalumClient.files.deleteFile(fileNameId);
Download a file from Totalum
// you can get the fileNameId from the result of the upload file function
const fileNameId = 'your_file_name.png'; // replace 'your_file_name' with the name id of your file, replace .png with the extension of your file
//optional options
const options = {
// the default expiration time is 128 hours, but you can set it to whatever you want, after the expiration time the url will not return the file
expirationTime: + (128 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // Set to expire in 128 hours, how it works is, set the current date in milliseconds + the milliseconds you want the url to expire
const result = await totalumClient.files.getDownloadUrl(fileNameId, options);
let [fileUrl] =;
// the result will be a full url that you can use to download the file
Download a file linked to an item property
Use Case:
Imagine you have a table called client
with the following properties:
And you want to download the photo of the client with id 5f9b2b1b9c6f6b0001a3b2b1
const tableElementName = 'client';
let clientId = '5f9b2b1b9c6f6b0001a3b2b1';
const result = await totalumClient.crud.getItemById(tableElementName, clientId);
const client =;
const clientPhotoId =;
const result2 = await totalumClient.files.getDownloadUrl(clientPhotoId);
let [fileUrl] =;
// now you can use fileUrl to download the file