📄️ Introducción
Usa la api de Totalum para consultar, filtrar, modificar, crear, borrar, los datos de totalum sin límites.
📄️ Open API Documentation
Aviso: Si tu entorno es javascript, o nodejs, te recomendamos usar el package de npm de TotalumSdk para facilitar el uso de la API
📄️ Leer y Filtrar Datos
What happens if you are not programming in javascript?
📄️ Editar Datos
What happens if you are not programming in javascript?
📄️ How filter works
Totalum filters structure are shared between all the filters. The structure is the following:
📄️ Crear Datos
What happens if you are not programming in javascript?
📄️ Borrar Datos
What happens if you are not programming in javascript?
📄️ Notifications
1. What are notifications in Totalum?
📄️ Subir y descargar archivos
What happens if you are not programming in javascript?